A year or so ago, I participated in a Bible Study on the Letter of James. It was a very practical study with much practical application for our daily lives. One of the suggestions was to search for wisdom in our daily lives and to keep a notebook with wisdom we wanted to remember.
I have found wisdom from several sources...from Scripture, from homilies, advice in the confessional, spiritual reading, and people who are much wiser than me. My notebook is filling up, but there is little order to it. This is an attempt to add a little organization.
What seems wise to me at one moment in my life, may not have the same ring of wisdom for someone else. I imagine it depends to some extent what challenges we are facing in our lives at that moment.
Oh - and the seeking and surrendering...it is wisdom from the confessional. I complained that I wasn't really "hearing" God, and I was wisely told - "When God is playing hide and seek...that's when He wants us to seek Him." And so that is what we are to do....seek Him, and then surrender to His will for us.
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